Simple Search Engine Ranking Reports

search ranking

We provide custom SEO services to improve our clients’ search engine ranking. This requires consultation to craft an optimisation strategy that suits you. Researching your industry, reviewing your current website content and code, and choosing keywords to target and advertise on.

Such custom services can be too expensive for some businesses. But we now offer a simple product to help you monitor your search engine ranking for 15 keywords on 4 search engines.

Introducing Interactive Search Engine Ranking Reports

Many people would like to track how they are doing in search, but who has the time to manually search and record how you are performing on a regular basis? Your top performing 15 keywords across e.g., Google Hong Kong in English and Chinese, and Yahoo, would mean 60 searches each time. That’s hours of work each week.

Our system will automatically check your ranking each week and email you a link to an interactive web-based monthly report with tables and graphs showing your position over time:

ranking report

This gives you a quick visual sense of how your website is performing to help you make decisions on marketing and content strategy.

And also a heads-up should a Google algorithm change or website issue cause you to suddenly drop off the search engines.

The cost for this service starts at HK$400 per month. Please contact us to get the details and start monitoring your search performance now.